Clumsy Runners is a 2D platformer game made with Unity.
The game has an unusual running mechanics which easy to learn, hard to master. To make character run player has to push two buttons alternately. Each of the buttons are corresponding to player leg. If player misses the correct button - character is going to fall on the ground and lose precious time used for running away from main enemy.

Game has variety of environments and game mechanics and feels not that simple as it looks at the first glance. For instance, after each level player is offered to buy upgrades in exchange for psy energy aquired during the game session. These upgrades impact player's progression strategy and if chosen wisely are able to help overcome game challenges drastically.

Currently one can play Clumsy Runners on Steam early access. On the time of writing, Plaiko team is working on full game release with next features included, which are not at the game yet:
- couch co-op
- endless run mode
- on-line multiplayer
- core gameplay mechanics which make game progression just a bit less frustrating, like resetting progress on each character death.
Stay tuned for more updates in our Discord community.